Monday, January 31, 2011
Progress and Goals
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
I think I'm wearing the wrong shoes
A few months ago I attended a regional Young Single Adult conference. Technically I attended this activity to meet new people and make new friends. It’s not coming easy lately, though, and I just wasn’t feeling it. So I took my brown bag lunch and sat in a sunny spot on the grass with an old friend and amused myself people watching. There was one girl in particular who seemed to have all the boy’s attention. She was thin and blonde and wearing a very nice dress, but what drew my eye were her four-inch, red, peep-toe stilettos. I remarked idly to my companion that evidently we were were wearing the wrong shoes. Perhaps we should have worn our red heels as well.
I went to a few more activities with similar result. I was definitely doing something wrong. Two weeks ago, I attended another YSA activity, this time a fireside in another city. This time I was determined to do better. I vowed I would not leave without talking to as many people as possible. It took me a while to warm up, but with a little help, I managed to introduce myself to nearly everyone in the room. Sitting around with a group of girls, I once again started noticing the shoes. Hot pink and leopard print, high heels and pointy toes.
The next Sunday I found myself at a little house party for a young man who would leave on his mission the next day. It was a warm night so I was wearing sandals with a slight heel. However, when I got there I realized that the party was outside, and the grass was wet. I was wearing the wrong shoes.
Wait, what did I just say?
I am wearing the wrong shoes.
That phrase rung a bell somehow. Had I said that before?
The wrong shoes. The wrong shoes for what?
And, finally, I thought back on all these experiences, put them together and realized that I was, in fact, wearing the wrong shoes! Winters in Idaho and Utah had ruined my perspective. I was back in Southern California now, and I my ratty old boots that kept me so warm and safe up in the ice were just not going to cut it in this scene.
It took me long enough, but don't worry. Now that I have isolated the problem, I know just what to do to fix it.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Dear Body,
Do you remember when you were the one they had play the whole soccer game, because everyone else needed a break, but you could run forever? Do you remember when these legs could make heads turn, and jaws drop? Do you remember when these legs could run six miles every day and up and down stairs for half an hour? Do you remember when these arms could paddle a canoe for nine miles? Do you remember when these shoulders and this back could execute a flawless backstroke for half a mile? You used to get really down on yourself because you didn’t have the speed. Forget the speed, do you remember the strength? Do you remember the power? The freedom? Do you remember how it felt?
Prove it.
Love, ME